13 August 2011
On this day, I injured myself.
I was having a relaxed evening with close friends, watched one of the most beautiful sunsets ever and played a few games with the people around me. Returning to my home, in the early (and dark) night, I tripped over a rock and fell. Knowing that I constantly hurt my ankle, I was sure at that point that it was a mild sprain. I ignored the injury for the night and lay to rest. The following morning I could not place my foot on the ground and this time realised that it was more than a mild sprain. I was convinced I has sprained my ankle, hence, it has happened to me before. After a lovely visit to the hospital, I was informed that I had fractured my bone - my ankle was broken - and on top of that, I had damaged all my ligaments on my foot. Bummer :( Since then I have had a cast on my foot and have been VERY angry about my injury. I have received all sorts of reactions and I must admit that the best reactions had to be from my family, res mates and another bunch of mates that were with me the day the injury happened. They did not give me the baby talk or make me feel worse. They laughed with me and always made sure I would smile from all the comments they threw my way. They have helped me get over my injury and enjoy it while I have it.
It has now been 17 days since my injury and for the first time, I can say " I AM OVER IT". I am not angry about my leg anymore.
"Determination, patience and courage are the only things needed to improve any situation" - Peter Sinclair